Moving a Homestead and Mistakes We Made Along the Way

I thought I would give some insight on moving a homestead while it’s still fresh on my mind. If you’re in the same boat we were 7 months ago, you’ll probably appreciate this post. If you’re thinking about moving to a new property in the future and want to know what you’re getting yourself into, […]

Avoiding Homestead Burnout and Overwhelm

Most days can seem redundant on the homestead. It can definitely play out like the movie ‘Groundhog Day”, on occasion. When you reach a point of having a daily routine, that’s actually a good thing! But, having a daily routine can also lead to burn out and overwhelm. Those of us that have been at […]

A Glance into My Homestead Journey

Homesteading Before It Was “Cool” If you would’ve asked me when I was a child if I would be a homesteader when I grew up, my answer would’ve been a swift, “no”. It wouldn’t be until later in my adult life that I would finally be at peace with what homesteading really meant. I grew […]

How We Successfully Started Our Farmstead Business On One Income

About 6 years ago, my family had a life altering experience. We were a typical family of 4. My husband and I went to work every day without fail. We had debt, kids to take care of, living paycheck to paycheck. We ate the “standard” American diet of processed everything. The terrible thing is, my […]