Most days can seem redundant on the homestead. It can definitely play out like the movie ‘Groundhog Day”, on occasion. When you reach a point of having a daily routine, that’s actually a good thing! But, having a daily routine can also lead to burn out and overwhelm. Those of us that have been at this for a while know that homestead burn out is a very real thing! If you’re new to homesteading, it’s likely that you will experience some degree of burn out in the future.

When you feel yourself “getting tired” of the everyday routine, it’s okay to take a break. Get the chores done for the day and take a drive or go to a park. Make plans for a weekend get away if you’re able to find someone to take care of the homestead. Take the family to a local free event. Find a way to get away from the house for a while and think about something else for a few hours.

Having a homestead is an amazing, rewarding lifestyle but it can get overwhelming or perhaps stressful, rather quickly. Taking a breath and clearing your mind eases stress and is great for your mental health. If for some reason you can’t get away from your homestead, find a creative outlet like sewing, crocheting, writing, playing an instrument, or quilting.

What Can you Do?

Overwhelm on the homestead could look like several different things. You could be overwhelmed with infrastructure, the garden, your animals, harvest, preservation, the list could go on and on. That’s why it’s important to make daily, weekly, and monthly goals. Make lists of what you absolutely need to get done for the day first. As you go down the list, the less important items get added on last. Not only does checking things off your list make you feel accomplished, it also gives a clear understanding of the tasks that will need to be added to the list for the next day. If you finish all your daily tasks, you can move on to complete the next days tasks if you choose to.

You can make your list any way you want to, using any medium of your choice. Use your notes feature on your phone, use an old fashioned note book, use a daily planner if you choose. Use what you feel would be your best option but you have to stick to it. Discipline is going to be your best friend when it comes to digging out of overwhelm. Once you get caught up and get a daily routine established, homestead life will become less stressful and overwhelming. You’ve got this!

If you need help establishing a routine, reach out. I would love to help!